Friday, March 18, 2016

Fitness at Work!

The importance of exercise is not hidden from us. However, despite being aware of the innumerable benefits of a daily exercise regime, we all fail to incorporate it in our “demanding” schedules. You plan to accommodate it in the morning hours; but when the night extends into midnight, you simply snooze off your bedside alarm with a promise to begin “TOMORROW”. You plan for the evenings after work, but your taxing schedule again forces you to relax on the couch probably watching television. You excuse yourself by justifying that this relaxation time is well deserved by you. So, when all of us are rushing for time, when do you think can we incorporate healthy essentials like EXERCISE?

How about the workplace?

Sounds strange indeed! Workplace is meant for work and not fitness.The good news is that most companies are now providing fitness for employees in the company premises, within the work hours itself. For, the results are much more attractive than the time supposedly wasted. Exercise enhances productivity and performance. A recent study reveals that employees who spend a minimum of 2.5 hours in any physical activity are more satisfied with their work and reflect higher productivity and improved performance. What’s more, they show a decline in their sick leaves. So, is the time on exercise wasted or better utilized? The benefits are higher in employees working out for up to 4 hours. Exercise also reduces depression and job burnout feelings in employees. 
So, include fitness at your work place NOW!


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